Instead of hiking several hours to get to an icefall in the mountains, all climbing afficionados need to do in the village of ...
After Donald Trump's re-inauguration as the US President, Viktor Orbán and Robert Fico joined forces and declared themselves mainstream. However, if we look deeper into this thought, we will find out ...
At a recent Slovensko je Európa (Slovakia is Europe) protest, Bratislava Mayor MATÚÅ  VALLO condemned PM Robert Fico's visit ...
Prime Minister Robert Fico made a grand entrance at the CPAC conference in the USA last week, waving to the applauding crowd ...
American singer Jon Bon Jovi is among the rare few public figures known worldwide that that wear their Slovak roots proudly ...
He opened with a tribute to Michael Strank, a US Marine of Slovak descent immortalised in the iconic Iwo Jima flag-raising ...