Construction of the new boathouse on the New Meadows River is nearing completion as final finishes and fixtures come together ...
Bowdoin is committed to admitting students from Maine high schools. The College's leaders say it's good for Maine and good for Bowdoin. Once a semester or so, Kate Nicholson, who runs Bowdoin’s ...
Last month, Professor Gomezgil Yaspik and senior Ari Bersch represented Bowdoin College across multiple academic venues in Peru, presenting cutting-edge research and establishing important connections ...
In the summer of 1869, ten white men, led by a one-armed naturalist and Civil War veteran called John Wesley Powell, set off from Wyoming in four boats on a thousand-mile river journey. Their mission, ...
It’s not enough for students merely to know how to use artificial intelligence (AI) tools, writes Abhilasha Kumar. They should attain what she calls “AI literacy,” no matter their area of study. The ...
Featuring works from the collection of the Bowdoin College Museum of Art spanning nearly two thousand years —from approximately 1300 BCE to 400 CE—Flora et Fauna examines how ancient Mediterranean ...
With President Trump signing more than seventy executive orders during his first month in office, many lawsuits have been launched in response, and Rudalevige said this puts the courts in a tough spot ...
Senior Yusur Jasim is set to graduate this May with a teaching certificate from Bowdoin Teacher Scholars. They credit their high school teacher, Matt Bernstein ’13, for helping set them down this path ...