This paper explores the accountability of social assistance in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRI), focusing on the roles of frontline staff of local and international organisations since ...
The Institute of Development Studies has a long history of challenging traditional narratives. It has also led research ...
Using the case study of the Kibera slums, this paper takes a medical anthropological approach to discuss and explain the untold and common practice among the urban poor in developing countries that is ...
This blog was originally published in July 2017 and was followed by another one in The Conversation as part of a series on priorities for the Mnangagwa administration. As the previous blogs on ‘new ...
The National Policy for Children 2013 adopted by the Government of India in April 2013, adheres to the Constitutional mandate and guiding principles of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of ...
Where do you shit? In developing countries, the answer may determine whether you live or die. Around 2.6 billion people defecate in the open. The consequences are dire: shit carries disease and is a ...
A growing proportion of aid spending now goes into conflict-affected states and conflict prevention. As a result, development and security are increasingly intertwined and this inter-relation is hotly ...
The relationships between energy and development are complex, compounded by increasingly differentiated situations amongst developing countries and within them. Moreover, the manner in which energy ...
How can continuous reflection and learning help tackle climate change in the context of wider development challenges? This interactive PDF aims to support ongoing learning by those inside and outside ...
This report attempts to provide an overview of philanthropy and the ‘philanthropic eco‐system’ that has evolved over the recent decade. Special focus of the report is on overseas philanthropy and ...
This article examines how neoliberal reforms mediate and influence relationships between emergent powers and African nations centred on agricultural development. It investigates the impact of South- ...