Download and install Google Chrome
Tip: If you've used a different browser, like Firefox, you can import your settings into Chrome. Install Chrome offline. If you have issues when you download Chrome on your Windows computer, use the alternate link to download Chrome on a different computer. On your computer, download a Chrome installerfor a different computer.
Download and install Google Chrome
Tip: If you've used a different browser, like Firefox, you can import your settings into Chrome. Install Chrome offline. If you have issues when you download Chrome on your Windows computer, use the alternative link to download Chrome on a different computer. On your computer, download a Chrome installerfor a different computer.
Télécharger et installer Google Chrome
Pour utiliser Chrome sous Mac, vous devez disposer de macOS Big Sur 11 ou d'une version ultérieure. Sur votre ordinateur, téléchargez le fichier d'installation. Ouvrez le fichier "googlechrome.dmg". Dans la fenêtre qui s'affiche, vous trouverez Chrome. Faites glisser Chrome vers le dossier d'applications.
Download Chrome - Google Help
In the search bar, enter Chrome. Tap Get. To install, follow the on-screen instructions. If prompted, enter your Apple ID password. To start browsing, tap Open. To open Chrome from your Home screen, tap Chrome .
Download and install Google Chrome
Google Chrome tips. From productivity to customization, learn how to get things done more quickly with your browser.
[SOLVED] How can I install Google Chrome on Drive D?
Jun 24, 2014 · In contrast, my Drive D uses only 12 G of its 248 G. So I would like to install Chrome on Drive D. But my understanding is that Google does not let one choose the drive. I believe there is some kind of junction approach that will enable me to put Chrome on D (though I believe some files will also end up on C, at least as I use Chrome).
Fazer o download e instalar o Google Chrome
No seu computador, baixe um instalador do Chrome para outro computador. Na parte de baixo da página, em "Família do Chrome", selecione Outras plataformas. Selecione o SO do dispositivo em que você quer instalar o Chrome. Baixe o arquivo. Mova o arquivo para o computador em que você quer instalar o Chrome. Para instalar, siga as instruções ...
Google Chrome herunterladen und installieren
Chrome offline installieren. Wenn Sie Probleme beim Herunterladen von Chrome auf Ihrem Windows-Computer haben, können Sie Chrome über den alternativen Link auf einen anderen Computer herunterladen. Laden Sie auf Ihrem Computer ein Chrome-Installationsprogramm für einen anderen Computer herunter.
Descargar e instalar Google Chrome
Instalar Chrome sin conexión. Si tienes problemas al descargar Chrome en un ordenador Windows, utiliza el enlace alternativo para descargar Chrome en otro ordenador. En tu ordenador, descarga un instalador de Chrome para otro ordenador. En la parte inferior de la página, en "Familia de Chrome", selecciona Otras plataformas.
Google Chrome をダウンロードしてインストールする
Mac で Chrome を使用するには、macOS Big Sur 11 以降が必要です。 パソコンにインストール ファイルをダウンロードします。 「googlechrome.dmg」というファイルを開きます。 開いたウィンドウで Chrome を探します。 Chrome を [アプリケーション] フォルダにドラッグし ...