Clinical | Psychology Graduate Program - Harvard University
Required courses and training experiences fulfill requirements for clinical psychology licensure in Massachusetts as well as meet APA criteria for the accreditation of clinical psychology programs.
Admissions | Psychology Graduate Program - Harvard University
The Harvard Kenneth C. Griffin Graduate School of Arts and Sciences welcomes applications for admission from individuals who have or will have by the time of matriculation a BA, BS, or equivalent undergraduate degree (for prospective international students, a three- or four-year undergraduate degree from an institution of recognized standing ...
Required Courses | Psychology Graduate Program - Harvard …
The course must be a contentful graduate-level course in order to be considered. Courses taken prior to joining the PhD program cannot be used to meet elective requirements. Clinical Science
FAQ for Applicants | Psychology Graduate Program - Harvard …
The Department does not offer a terminal master’s degree in psychology, though students admitted to the Ph.D. program can earn a master’s along the way. Some graduates of the program seek positions as research psychologists in an academic setting.
Psychology Graduate Program
Welcome to the Psychology PhD program at Harvard University! Our work is united in the focus on the science of mental life, yet highly interdisciplinary. The Psychology Department is organized into four research areas:
Program | Psychology Graduate Program - Harvard University
Master's in Passing; Prospectus; Dissertation & Defense; Graduating & Commencement