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Roseola - Symptoms & causes - Mayo Clinic
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Roseola (Sixth Disease) Symptoms & Causes
Jun 12, 2023 · Roseola is a common, contagious viral infection that affects most babies and children before they turn 2. The main symptom is a sudden, high fever. This can cause febrile seizures (normally harmless) in some children. …
Roseolovirus - Wikipedia
Roseolovirus is a genus of viruses in the order Herpesvirales, in the family Herpesviridae, in the subfamily Betaherpesvirinae. There are currently six species in this genus. Diseases …
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Roseola - Johns Hopkins Medicine
Roseola is a contagious viral illness. It causes a high fever and then a rash that develops as the fever goes away. The disease is also called roseola infantum or sixth disease. What causes …
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Roseola (viral rash): Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment
Roseola is characterised by high fever lasting for 3–5 days, runny nose, irritability and tiredness. As the fever subsides a rash may appear on the face and body. Roseola is also known by the names roseola infantum and exanthem subitum.
Human Herpes Virus 6 - HealthyChildren.org
Nov 21, 2015 · Roseola, also called exanthem subitum and sixth disease, is a common, contagious viral infection caused by the human herpesvirus (HHV) 6. This strain of the herpes …
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Roseola (Sixth Disease) - Healthline
Jun 20, 2023 · Roseola — also known as sixth disease — is a contagious illness caused by a virus. Roseola usually manifests as a fever followed by a distinctive skin rash of pink patches or spots.
Roseola infantum - WikEM
Roseola on a 21-month-old girl. 3-5d prodrome of high fever → then defervescence → then rash for 1-2d; Rash - erythematous macular eruption of discrete, pink lesions Mostly on neck, trunk, …
Roseola: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia
Aug 5, 2023 · Roseola is a viral infection that commonly affects infants and young children. It involves a pinkish-red skin rash and high fever. Roseola is common in children ages 3 months to 4 years, and most common in those ages 6 months …